It was a white over today,
I was first to arrive, and I could not see the other side of the lake it was so
foggy!! I thought I might be fishing alone, but no, eight of the hardy
fellows eventually put their paws into the draw bag. The biggest
surprise I had was, my eight names matched the chaps who turned
up! But no surprise I failed to catch 2lb, and I will
get more earache when Bend It finds out.
Danny drew the Golden
Peg 39, but for once had to settle for second to Rob Eagle for silvers,
Roger winning overall with Kev coming second.
On a day when fish were
hard to come by, the sun came out and for myself a warm pleasant day, even the
resident King Fisher did a fly past in the sun showing off its
colours. What more can one ask for on the last week of the
On Sunday we are fishing Sedges Brick, and next Wednesday its Viaduct's Match
Pick up the phone PLEASE
A Happy New Year to ALL and everyone who reads this Blog.
Chair Bob