Thursday, 31 January 2019

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 30th January Trinity Woodlands

My day started with a couple of phone calls around 6-30 am, by lad's snowed in, so it was with some trepidation I set out for Trinity, which was our venue today.   But you can't stop the lads of Dad's Army having their days fishing     Despite the weather and traffic problems, ten of these men reported for duty.   I'm pleased to say they had their reward, with a beautiful sunny day, plus some good fishing.

Misha was on the Lilly run, so we had to fend for ourselves.   I selected the pegs, and did the business.  It was then we got to the draw.   Peg 27 was the Golden Peg and Jeff got lucky, but knowing how good an angler he is, he may not have needed any luck.

I drew peg 11, which is first on the far side, with Bend It on 12.   I was looking straight across the lake at Jeff and the Nasty Old Sheriff.   All in and I decided with my draw to fish the pole at eleven metres, with a pinkie on  the hook, feeding lightly caster and maggot, but no ground bait.

From the off Jeff and Danny were catching silvers, and Bend It on the wag was doing OK.   After an hour I had some very small roach, a nice perch,  and a scaley which weighed 8lbs 11oz. 

The sun was shining, I was warm and catching fish with my mates, where else would I rather be???

As  the day progressed I was thinking Jeff had done the business, but it might be close.  Only three  carp were caught, but this was more than made up for with five double figure nets of silvers   All the fish were in pristine condition, a credit to Trinity!

I won't prattle on about the results, only to say the sheet is below.

I shall be on holiday for a few weeks, so Jeff will take over the jobs I have been doing.  He has volunteered for this to be a permanent position , so the number to ring as of now is  07821542178

I hope Jeff, who joined HLS recently, will give us a fresh outlook with the same aims of friendly  competitive match fishing.

This will be my last blog, I hope I have not bored you too much with my blithering.   I will be an active member of the club, fishing Wednesdays,  giving out my share of abuse to all my mates.

So finally a lot of big thank- yous firstly to all you out there who have read my rantings!!  Then to all the guys who have turned up to fish, making my Wednesday fishing so enjoyable.   Finally thank you  to my wife Marilyn, who has done all the typing and corrections to my grammar, making it all legible.

               Our next match is at Summerhayes Longs, so keep Jeff busy ringing 07821542178.

                           It's been great, good luck and good fishing.



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