Monday, 18 January 2016

Sunday 17th January 2016 - Sedges Tile Lake

21 Fished on a cold damp day morning, Kev would have made it 22, but spent Saturday night in hospital after falling and bumping his head;  a case of one more than a full load.   Talking to him on the phone later, the response was,  " Roll on Wednesday".  

The draw was made Big Bird Eagle drawing the golden peg 37.   We then plodded through the mud to our positions.   I drew peg 31, not the best for silvers, so I just got on with it and failed miserably!!.   Colin Lambert on my left talked White Hart Lane and Spurs all day, boring!!.  The other notable part of my day was a continuous flow of 6-8-10 mil pellets falling out of the sky into my swim.   I have names in the book.

After the Golden Peg was won on the first week, it was decided that 50 pence per angler be collected on Sunday matches.   Good thinking!  The Eagle won the silvers and empted the pot again.   Considering the conditions the weights were not bad, Horney Beards coming out on top withe 63lbs 11ozs on peg 40, followed by the Great Western puffing in with 55lbs 2ozs.   Summing up it was a good turn out, even George refused to moan;   "I  AM CONFUSED"

Wednesday at Shiplate Hawthorns 15 pegs,  I have 14 names at the moment with 3 possibles, so make up your minds for the final peg, first comes fills the spot.   Next Sunday it's Trinity,  I have 20 names so  can take a few more.  It's been a good start to the new year, lets keep it going.

                                                                   Chair Bob

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