Thursday, 25 October 2018

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 24th October Avalon Fishery

We could not have asked for a better Wednesday morning in late October.   Thirteen smartly turned out troopers arrived for muster; I was well pleased.

We were at Avalon today with Ron to look after our pegging and weighing in.  The lake looked in excellent condition; lots of work had been put into the platforms, which was very much appreciated by the lads.

I collected the money, paid our dues, and it was on to the draw.   Peg twenty was the Golden Peg.  We started at peg six today, as Ron said most fish were showing at the top end.   We expected it to be hard going, as the ambient and water temperatures have dropped over the last few days.

Everyone was happy with the draw, so it was off to prepare for action.   I expected a six hour battle trying to catch lots of small fish.   Boy George was next to me again, so no peace.   In the car park he told us about his trip to the new chippy in the village, his exact words were "Eh up my mate this fish is still alive"  The new chippy had a look and said "It can't be" George said "Well it has ate half my chips"  which produced another portion for our boy.!!

At the all in I was in a relaxed mode, so with the sun in my eyes I started down the right hand margin feeding pinkie and maggot; senior moment I had left my caster in the fridge, but I caught fish from the off, so I was happy.   I could see George catching well but still moaning!! but he had his tongue hanging out, so I knew he was doing well.   Kev had his weekly disaster, he dropped his baccy plus papers into the lake, so he went off to the village shop for replacements and came back with an armful of goodies.

I could only see George who continued to catch well.   My day slowed down, but I did get a nice perch, and some good roach.    Not to worry, the sun was shining, what more could a feller want?

All out, and Ron started weighing on peg 22 Tivi Dave, who had 13lbs 5ozs of silvers and 12lbs9 ozs of carp.  Next it was The Nasty Old Sheriff with 9lbs l5ozs of silvers and Tonto with 17lbs 9ozs in all.   Then it was George, who put 16lbs 15ozs of silvers onto the scales, plus two carp, definitely the silvers winner.   We moved on to peg 10 where the Mediterranean Playboy Mike Bend It had a great 14lbs 3ozs silvers.   Bill the Paste had a rare bad day, but Ninja came good with 33lbs of scaleys to win overall.

It was a good day, with plenty of laughs and craic, so it is with great reluctance I will be standing down from taking an active part in the organizing and running of Dad's Army Wednesday matches.  My last being the 2nd January 2019.   I feel it's time, so if someone would please step forward I will quite willingly help in the interim period with any teething problems my successor may have.  I am sure Danny, who has always been there helping, will carry on assisting as will I.   So don't let Dad's Army fold, we still have a war with them there fish, and I will always enjoy my Wednesday fishing with my mates.    Just give me a ring so we can start talking.

                        Next  Wednesday another great fishery at Trinity Woodlands

                                        So sharpen your hooks, let's catch them!!!


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