Thursday, 28 June 2018

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 26th June Summerhays

It was Wednesday, hot, and getting hotter.  I wondered if Dad's Army would survive they were kitted out in their tropical KD and looking good.   There were ten of us on parade at Summerhays,  Pete was supplying the drinks, and giving us all the duff gen.

I had never seen Tonto down to just his shirt, and when he flashed his bare tum I thought don't take it off please.   Even Danny was taking off a few layers!!

I selected what I thought maybe the best ten pegs and did the business with Pete.   The Golden Peg was seventeen and Tonto struck AGAIN.   All the lads, even Boy George, looked happy, he was drawn next to The Sheriff, so he would be getting another lesson on how to catch silvers.

I drew thirteen with Tivi Dave to my left, and Ninja on my right, so I looked forward to a nice quiet day.   This swim starts shallowing up just halfway across, so comfy fishing just at the bottom of the slope feeding ground bait and particles, with caster and maggot on the hook, quite simple really.

Everyone was in position and loaded, it was time for all in and the attack to start.   Tiv was down the edge doing a carp thing,  Ninja as usual was splashing about with his haul of scaleys , occasionally appearing at my shoulder trying to free his gear from snags.   My day progressed with a steady catch of roach and small skimmers.   I was very happy, my float was moving and fish were there.

After a couple of hours I glanced towards Tonto, he was still doing his impression of Buddha, and the lad's were all doing what they came for, enjoying the day and catching fish!!   There were no DNW's today.

I caught all through the match, but I did not think it was enough to win.  I lost my mandatory rig to a scaley varmint, but who cared.

It was all out, and The Nasty Old Sheriff and I met up to get the scales and board.   I asked how had he done, and when he replied he had caught a few bits, I knew he had won the silvers; another nugget in his deep pockets, jammy little toe rag.

On to the weigh, Tungsten had a mixed bag of 27lbs 10ozs.  Then on to Eric the Ninja who said not much and  then weighed 87lbs 3ozs Aye man!   I managed 15lbs 5ozs of silvers and a couple of carp
Wo2 Bill had 50lbs 6ozs, and our Professor Kev 33lbs 11ozs   The Wizard  got 65lbs 1oz, and Boy George blew out with a mixed bag of 17lbs 15ozs.  No guessing who won the silvers with 21lb 2ozs well done Danny and Eric, and thanks  to Pete for a great day's fishing, under difficult conditions.

                    Next Wednesday we visit Shiplate Hawthorns.  Let's make it a memorable 4th of July                                            for all the right reasons.

                                               It's Dog and Bone time, make it ring.



Monday, 25 June 2018

trinity waters 24/6/18

Trinity water 24/6/2018
Todays match was at the fantastic Trinity waters on the outskirts of  Bridgewater  and the lake we would do battle on was woodland lake .. we had 18 booked into this match so a bit of room for most ..
The guru tart was back today and his side kick Shaun aka willy Wonka !!  also Paul (Paxo baits) was back and I can speak for all members that it is great to see him as he is one of the nicest blokes you could ever meet .
new van willy Wonka??

So I paid my cash to Shane and then the guru tart  started !!in his very, very loud voice ..and it went like this …"KINGY I GOT MY NEW BOX  AND TOP OF THE RANGE POLE AND NEW GURU READY ROD BAG AND I HAVE JUST PUT IN A ORDER FOR MY TOP OF THE RANGE  REELS " and I said "what's wrong with the rive guru box and the preston m90" and he said "I WANTED BETTER AS IT WILL MAKE ME A BETTER ANGLER " !!! OMG!! I was stood there and the only thing I could think of was Steve kedge at Bridgewater angling jumping for joy …
Anyway the pegs today were 2,3,6,7,9,10,12,14,15,17,19,23,24,26,27,29,31,32,  and the golden peg today was peg 10 and only a muppet could mess that peg up !!
So into the box of dreams and I pulled out peg 10 and yes I am a muppet ...I had roger next door on peg 12 and George( best silvers angler in the club) on peg 9 and he was telling me that all the silvers are on the other side of the lake ..anyway I sat there and looked around the lake and was thinking my best chance to win the golden peg was to fish for silvers as tony was on peg 19 and Eric was on peg3 and Shane was on a great peg (peg2) ...anyway  I just set up a pole thinking I would catch 40lbs of silvers and win.. ha how wrong was I,  as I started well on the 13meter line and had 3 skimmers  for 4lbs in the first 20 minutes and then a few more on the short line and  then it just stopped ..and for 30 minutes I couldn't get a bite and then my brain imploded and I went from hero to zero for the next hour ??  I sat there thinking I should set up this and that and then changed rigs when I should have just got my head down and fished for silvers...on the flip side I did go for carp and had 6 lumps in the last 2 hours!!!! and should have set myself up to go for them from the start...muppet !!
looking around the boys on  pegs 2 and 19,24 were into the carp  I  could see Danny (Pinocchio baits) catching silvers well and also lord C (octopussy baits) who was having a great last 2 hours on the silvers !! the boy is on fire ..and also George  next door to me had a load of white bait in his net ..
The guru tart on peg 7 was saying how his £4k pole was a dream to use but  he was still waiting for his first bite but when he did hook a carp everyone at our end of the lake chanted "snap your pole Phil" which put a smile on my face ...only for the tart to get the fish into his landing net and then the landing net handle snapped …..(£££££££ Steve kedge £££££££)..
hello sailor !!!
"The guru tarts new box and I must say it is a nice seat box and well made but it has to be as phil is 34 stone!!!!"
We started the scales on peg 2 and Shane had 54-15, Eric on peg 3 had a dnw and then D.T on peg 6 had silvers for 5-15  next was the guru tart on peg 7 and he had 8-6 then it was onto the "best silvers angler in the club" on peg 9  he told me he had 30-40 of silvers and boy did he have a net full and the scales went 23-11 …. a bit out George!!! but if you speak to George he thinks he is 6 foot tall …(he is only 3ft )
Next was me with a dnw then roger on peg 12 who also had a dnw  then Mr Chivers  (HMRC baits) on peg 14 who had 46-6 ,Danny  (Pinocchio baits) who said "I might have 15lbs" put on 29-13 of silvers  (your nose in growing Danny !!)  rob next door on peg 17 had a great day catching 24-11 of silvers and 32-5 of carp for a total of 57-0  tony on peg 19 had 75-4 terry was next on peg 23 and also had a dnw
next was the silver fox on peg 24 and he had a great last hour fishing the bomb and had 56-9  willy Wonka on peg 26 had 12-5 and beat the guru tart for his pound side bet ...again …...Then John on peg 27 had 16-15 of silvers , graham also had a dnw and lord C (octopussy baits)on peg 31 who remember only went for the silvers in the last 2 hours had a cracking net of silvers for 31-9 and lastly Paul (Paxo baits) who had 16-10
So the lake fished well for the condition as it was so hot and the lack of wind made today very unpleasant ..
1st overall tony peg 19 75-4
2nd overall rob peg 17 57.0
3rd overall tony fry (silverfox) 56-9
1st silvers lord C (octopussy baits) peg 31 31-9
2nd silvers Danny (Pinocchio baits) peg 15 29-13
3rd silvers George (best silvers angler in the club) peg 9 23-11
so a big well done to all the framers week we are at viaduct if you want to fish please ring up the guru tart ..have a great week !!!!

Friday, 22 June 2018

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 20th June

Fifteen of Dad's Army mustered today, the venue being Avalon, with Ron seeing to our needs.   The day was overcas with a stiff breze blowing down the lake, we thought this was ideal conditions!!, but time would tell.

Ron and I selected the pegs to be fished, and sorted out the money, so it was onto the draw.   Peg three was the Golden Peg, and it was not a surprise when Tonto drew it out.

Today we had the very welcome return of Sausage who is battling illness, but needed to get out;  Trina and all the guys acted as nurses, which made life easier.   There was also a warm welcome back to Ballcock, who has been refereeing football all winter.   He is now playing veterans cricket, an all round sportsman.

The lad's were in good form with plenty of insults and abuse, this is always an indication when they are in a good frame of mind.

At the draw I was happy to be last out of the hat with nineteen   I had Bendit to my right and Ninja on the left.    Boy George and the Nasty Old Sheriff were on pegs ten and eleven, and I thought that would be interesting.

I intended to fish sweetcorn over ground bait, with some particles added.   I did not expect to catch from the start, so I put a couple of maggots on the hook, just to put something in the net, I was sure I couldn't get through the roach WRONG.   Twenty minutes in, a large varmint with scales disappeared with my rig and half my elastic,  never to be seen again!

Second rig and on with the corn, there were bubbles everywhere, and it was not long before my first bream.  During the day Bend It and myself were going fish for fish, and Ninja splashing about with his carp, there was just no peace.

Ron appeared with the scales at four o'clock.   Mustard did not bother, but Ninja had 134lbs 13ozs.  Next up was myself with 28lbs 4ozs of silvers,  would that beat Bend It I thought.   He said he had been fishing  caster all day,  it was close, but
 Ron said sorry Bob it's 28lbs 5ozs   Well done Bend It.   Big Bird weighed 88lbs 11ozs for second overall.

It was a good days fishing, which is typical of Avalon.   Our thanks to Ron for a great job.



Thursday, 21 June 2018

Sunday 17-06-18 - Landsend

With the holiday season and 'Dads' told to stay home on Fathers Day, there was only Eleven guys in attendance at Mike Duckett's little fishing jewel in the Mendips.
The match lake was our venue for the day and when the guys went to choose the pegs they found someone already on peg 10. He was asked to move and that peg was  off the list. Perhaps there should be a board identifying when there are matches booked?

Discussion before the draw was that some large nets of carp had been recently caught but also the large skimmers were showing in plenty of pegs. I fancied a peg on the south side and out from the draw pot came peg 13. I had this peg last on a freezing day in the winter. I consider it a feast or famine peg, so what would today bring. The golden peg today was 3, a great silvers peg. And who's little fingers grabbed this number, yes, Bolton Boy George; the 5 foot man with a 10 foot ego!! He skipped off to the peg singing "The moneys mine".

At my peg and to the right was Tony Newell then Shane, Martin, Tony Fry and in the distance was Danny. Over the other side was Steve King being 'Billy no mates' on peg 9. He didn't fancy his peg but he did have a quarter of the lake to himself.

Unlucky for some..... Peg 13

I immediately new that I was going to fish 4 lines. A lead rod across to the corner of the island, 13 metres on the left margin, tight by the left hand bush and down to the empty pallet on my right. Baits today were 8mm meat, 8mm & 6mm pellet and dead reds. I also used ammino and betaine paste.

At the start I fed the lines and put the lead out tight to the island. There were fish moving so I was hopeful. Within 5 mins the tip went around and a small carp graced the net. I then went onto the 13m line with meat and small ghostie took the bait. Back on the lead and another. Then another at 13m. That was the first hour taken care of. They were all small fish and so I asked who had pinched the decent fish!!!

The next 6 fish took a lot longer to catch...... 5 hours to be exact!! I kept rotating through the 4 lines but could only manage 3 more carp and 3 large skimmers.

Tony Newell had started slowly but finally manage to get carp in the margins. He could obviously see what was going on further up because he put his fish back at the end of the match and DNW. I couldn't really see what Shane and Martin were catching but I did notice Danny was having lots of fun with carp on his silvers tackle..... lol. Steve was very quiet, which was unusual..... what could that mean?

The score sheet shows that he didn't have time to talk because of catching the winning weight of 132-1. Martin, who I thought was going for silvers, managed to get plenty of carp and give him the 2nd place overall.

Unfortunately, now is the time to tell of the bad news. Yes, you guessed it, George (now back to top silvers angler spot) put 21-4 onto the scales, taking 1st in the silvers and wining the golden peg plus a nugget from Danny. Oh how he laughed!!!! Well done George! Danny took 2nd silvers (and shouldn't have wasted so much time with the carp and beat George).

Steve's face doesn't betray the pain he felt when giving George the golden peg money.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 13th June Shiplate Hawthorns

Dad's Army were at Shiplate today; there were just nine of us fishing, so plenty of room.   Steve Carol and Reggie made us very welcome.    There was plenty of chat, mainly about how difficult the day could be.

After the money was sorted, Steve selected the pegs to be used, the Golden Peg being six, which was drawn by Tonto AGAIN.   Boy George got the end peg fourteen, leaving me with the last one in which was peg one.  This was not what I wanted, it was the second time in three visits;  I was not moaning??

We marched smartly off to our positions, and prepared for the battle to come.   There was plenty of fighting to be done against those strong old scaleys    They may not be so big in this lake, but they sure know how to test your kit..

After half an hour The  Chef (Pete Cook) appeared by my side.   He had intended to fish today he explained, but after a hard day on his allotment, he came home only to be invited by the widow next door for drinks.   Anyway one thing led to another, and after having a problem finding his way home next door!! and waking up with a hangover he arose late.  He did insist that this friendship is strictly platonic, so we hope to see you another time old mate.

Sorry not so much about fishing, although the weights were good, mostly carp.    Tonto donned his armour when Tivi sent out a distress call;  a carp was swimming away with the remains of his pole?  Up rode Tonto armed with his ledger rod, after the second cast all was retrieved, plus the carp.   Dave's hero must deserve a medal!!

The Nasty Old Sheriff was playing silly buggers, trampling all over his pole and throwing some of his gear into the lake.   This did not stop him winning the silvers with 20lbs 7ozs, beating George by a pound, so taking more nuggets off his mates.  I reckon "Age Concern" should attend our matches, what if Kev had been fishing, the mind boggles.

Wo2 Bill won overall with 83lbs 15ozs of carp.  Mustard, with his second consecutive catch of plus fifty, was second with 56lbs 14os, well done to you both.   Thank you everyone for an excellent day.

           I am looking forward to next Wednesday and a visit to Avalon

                                        Pick it up, make it ring



Monday, 11 June 2018

Shiplate farm - 10/6/2018

Shiplate farm 2018
Only 14 today so we were all on hawthorns and as I haven't been on this lake for 2 years I was looking forward to it. I had a walk along the length of the lake when I got there and it looked like there was a lot of fish moving around on the surface from peg 10 up to 15 ..

Looking up the lake from peg 1...

So I paid my pools and had a chat with the guys and it was notable even at 8.30 it was hot and a lack of wind and as I hate the sun I wasn't looking forward to sitting in this all match but needs must.
The golden peg today was peg 3 and Shaun (Willy Wonka) got his hands on it and I have never seen a bald headed guy run so fast to his peg and as he has so much "clean" kit that takes some doing ...but would he win ?? um no!!!
I wanted peg 13,14,15 and I didn't like the looks of peg 1,2,3,4,5, into the buckets of dream and I had peg 5 looking at me ..oh well at least a short walk ..
I had Kev on peg 6 and the most consistent angler in our club and probably the best silver angler in the HLS Sunday gang on peg 5. And, he told me he would be going for them again today as it was like taking candy from a child !!! His words not mine !!! But I'm sure he wouldn't have it all his own way as the big guns aka George (best silvers angler in the club, well the 3rd best) and Danny (Pinocchio baits) would be doing what they do best and try to tempt the silvers.
I set up a paste rig, hard pellet rig, margin rig and last but not least a rig to fish over to the far bank but this was a pain in the arse as I had to break down the pole 3 time when shipping back .
My match was very challenging as the fish just didn't want to know. I had a few over on the far bank, 1 on the paste rig, none in the margin, and in desperation I set up a tip rod and had 5 on this. Meanwhile, Lord C (octopussy baits) on peg 4 was foul hooking his big skimmers and at one point he had 6 in a row all in the arse!!  I would have put them back ….but would he beat George or Danny ??
I could hear Kev next door trying to catch  flying fish in the 40ft tree and also Willy Wonka on peg 3 moaning that he was getting his kit dirty and that he was going to go home early and power wash it all down !!!
Then Lord C (octopussy baits)  said with only 5 minutes to go that he hooked a skimmer in the mouth and that it was the only one he got in the mouth all day !!! When tony called the all out I was cooked and just wanted to get the air con on in my car !!! It had been a hot day and no wind and I am sure this had a effect on the fishing as this lake is normally fantastic.
Myself, Tony and Lord C did the scales,  so we started on peg 15 with  Shane and he had 23-15 to go into lead...(sorry Shane) then D.T  on peg 14 had 7-7 of silvers and 11-2 of carp for a total of 18-9 .. Simon on peg 13 had a great net of prime carp for 54-7  , Tony Fry (silver fox baits) had a D.N.W then onto the first big gun ...George (in his words the best silvers angler in the club) had 10-10 of silvers and was winning the silvers pot for all of 10 meters as the second big gun  Danny (Pinocchio bits) on the next peg put on 11-13 of silvers and a few carp for 18-13 ..and  George didn't believe us  and still thought he was winning (such a big ego for a 4ft man) .. Roger on peg 8 had 15-4 ..then Stan on peg 7 had 40-7 to go into 2nd place and I was thinking I didn't have that !!!! Kev had  one carp and chucked it back ..I had 3-5 of silvers (all in the mouth and fished for!!) and 44-5 of carp for a total of 47-10. Then Lord C had 12-4 of foul hooked silvers and 26-3 of carp for a total of 38-7 ...Willy Wonka on peg 3 went home early. Tony N on peg 2 chucked back his fish.. and lastly it was Rob who had 4-7 of silvers and 37-9 of carp for a total of 42-0 … 
Top bloke George with his 1st in the silvers net...sorry 3rd in the silvers, again !

Steve the owner said it would fish hard today and he was right ...but this place is right up there as one of the best in the area and we are all lucky to have it on our door step  …so thanks for having us today ...
So onto the winners
1st overall Simon peg 13 54-7
2nd overall Steve King peg 5 47-10
1st silvers Lord C peg 4 12-4 ........3 weeks in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!
2nd silvers Danny (Pinocchio baits) 11-13
3rd silvers oh yes only paying top 2 !!!!
Next week we are at Landsend so please book in with Tony Fry (silver fox) ….
The photo below is me and lord C getting his hook back at the end of the match as he got snapped up......  thanks Steve for the use of the digger...
lord c and that foul hook rig ….

Friday, 8 June 2018

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 6th June Trinity Woodlands

We were at Trinity Woodlands today, and eleven of Dad's Army were assaulting this lovely fishery, on a very pleasant day.   Misha was looking after us, and we had pegs eight to twenty seven.   I sorted the money, and selected eleven of these pegs, leaving out the flyer fifteen.

Everyone was happy.   Wo2 Bill drew fourteen which was the Golden Peg.   Boy George, our professional moaner, drew eight saying all the fish are at the top end, the Sheriff shut him up saying, all the fish would move away from the other anglers and end up in his swim.  (Not until four pm hopefully).

I drew twenty four which was next to Mustard with The Brad just across the corner, and next  The Wizard on seventeen, who was casting into the flyer fifteen, the jammy git.   All in and sure enough the Wizard was catching fish.    Mustard was splashing about, but it was strangely quiet around the lake, there was definitely a lack of abuse and insults!!  I could only think the lads were concentrating  on their fishing?

My day was going to be 11 metres in front, and down the margins.   So it was in with some feed, and corn on the hook.   After half an hour, nothing, so I switched to meat, and things looked up with small skimmers and a couple of flyers.   Alas not to last, my swim started to look like a jacuzzi, with my float moving around like it was in the rapids.

I switched to down the sides, resigning myself to catching smaller fish, which kept me busy,  but even here the scaleys moved in.     Nevertheless I enjoyed my day and was reluctant to shout all out.

Dan, Mustard and myself did the honours, there were no DNWs, today everyone had fish.   The Wizard did justice to his good draw, winning overall with 61lbs 4ozs.   Well done to Mustard who was second with 50lbs 2ozs.   The silvers went to that Nasty Old Sheriff, with myself just ounces behind for second; I handed over a tear stained nugget.

           It was a great day all round, and I'm looking forward to next Wednesday with a visit to Shiplate Hawthorns



Thursday, 7 June 2018

Avalon 3/6/2018

AVALON 3/6/2018
I was looking forward to today's match at Avalon as it is full of fish, but it was hot and no wind so it would be a hard day. Anyway, I dipped my nets, paid my money to Shane and had a chat with the Silver Fox. The car park started to fill up but it was so quiet and then the penny dropped, the guru tart was on holiday. Talking to Lord C (Octopussy baits) we both agreed to like a nice day on the silvers, but you have got to be in the right area and it seems the top end of the lake looked like the area to be.

George (best silvers angler in the club well 2nd best) said he would win !!!! As he got beat last week by Lord C (Octopussy baits) he was out for revenge!!!
 The club had pegged 1 -23, so for me any peg above 10 and I would be more than  happy for  silvers. For carp I would have liked peg 5, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, oh yes and 20 .
Into the bag of dreams and I pulled out peg 6 !!! Not too happy as pegs 5 and 7 were both in. So, a carp day for me I was going to set up a bomb, pellet wag, mug rig and paste rig and also a banded pellet rig and forget about going for any silvers .
 Mike D was on peg 3, Shane was on 5, me 6,  Roger was on peg 7 and D.T was on peg 9. That man Tony N was on 10, Colin was on 11, Mike B was on 12, Eric was on 13, Danny (Pinocchio bait) was on 16 again and Graham was on peg 17; this was also the golden peg ..
Then onto the big guns... Tony Fry (silver fox) was on peg 19, Lord C was on peg 20, Rob was on peg 21 and the end peg was George (best silvers angler in the club maybe) on peg 22 ..
At the start I put a small cup of 4mm pellets on the pole line  and had a go on the wag ..Shane next door put  a cup of micros on his pole line and it was fizzing like mad and he had 4-5 lbs in the first 10 minutes, I was thinking I should have set up a silvers rig, but just kept pinging 8mm pellets over to the reeds and had a carp and then lost it!!! Then I hooked a 2lber so the blank avoided. Over the next few hours I had 7-8 small carp on the wag and 1 on the bomb.
I had a look on the mug rig and the carp just went the opposite way when they looked at  my pellet!!! I was getting hotter and hotter as the sun was on us all for most of the day and to be honest I couldn’t wait for the all out !!
In the last hour I had 6 carp on the pole rig and they were bigger then the wag so I wasn’t sure what I had at the all out ??

They started the scales on peg 22 and George (best silvers angler in the club) had 21-5 ..Rob on peg 21 had 19-3  Lord C (Octopussy baits) on peg 20 had 36-4 of silvers and 7-5 of carp for a great day fishing and more importantly beating that man George …. again!!! Lord C has had 65lbs  of silvers in the last 2 matches and George has had to watch him both times !! I bet he is gutted ..Tony Fry (silver fox) had 33-12  of carp ..Graham on peg 17 had a DNW ..Danny (Pinocchio baits) had 18-6 on peg 16 ..Eric on peg 13 had 61-3 ..Mike B had a DNW on peg 12 ..on peg 11 Colin  had 23-10  then onto that man Tony N on peg 10  who had a DNW , that’s very unusual. D.T on peg 9 had 9-11 and 7-1 for a total of 16-12...  Roger  on peg 7 chucked back 5-6 carp.. I had 71-5 and then Shane on peg 19-2 of silvers and a carp for a total of 25-9 ..and then lastly was Mike D  who had 19-11 of silvers and 13-14 of carp for a total of 33-9 ..
So the heat and lack of wind definitely affected the fishing today but it still fished well for silvers but the carp just didn’t want to have a munch but and I love the place ....

The winners
1st overall S King, peg 6, 71-5
2nd overall Eric, peg 13, 61-3
3rd overall Tony Fry (silver fox), peg 19, 33-12

The silvers winners
1st silvers Lord C (Octopussy baits), peg 20, 36-4
2nd silvers George (best silvers angler in the club), peg 22, 21-5
3rd silvers Mike D, peg 3, 19-11

Right this Sunday we are at the Shiplate Canals. Please contact Tony Fry (silver fox) if you want to fish ...