Thursday 5 April 2018

HLS Angling Dads Army Wednesday 4th April Emeralds

It was raining!!  So what's new?   Eleven of Dad's Army were preparing to do their duty at Emeralds Pool.  Alan gave me a choice of ponds, and after consulting with my two intellectual mates? Danny and George, we chose Ruby.

The lads did the pegging, while I sorted the money.  It was time for the draw, ten being the Golden Peg, which was drawn by the Wizard.   We gave a warm welcome to Buzz Richards, and I hope, after fishing with us today, he liked what he saw and will join us on a regular bases on Wednesdays.

Steve the maggot vendor joined us again drawing peg twelve  I was to his right, on a not much fancied peg number one, with Boy George on three, there being no peg two.   This was the first match  on Ruby since there was a  problem, so there were a few negative waves.

At ten o'clock all in, and it was still persisting.   My umbrella was up, and I started on the top two down the edges;  I like the comfort zone.   To my surprise I started catching small skimmers from the off, and looking around all the lad's were busy.

Boy George gave me a shout, saying he had caught, what is his mandatory 3lb perch, but this time it looked more authentic!  My good day stopped at about one o'clock, when all bites stopped; but this was not so for the others, I could see them catching well.

It was time for the out, and although the weather was not great, the fishing more than made up for it,  mostly silvers being caught. Steve came out on top with a mixed bag for 44lbs 14ozs.   George won the silvers with 37lbs 11ozs, he's a course specialist.

It was a good day all round, and our thanks to Alan for a great match venue.

Next Wednesday we have Viaducts Campbell, and with the temperature rising a little, let's hope the weights will get better.

                                               Get Hooked.


P.S.  Steve donated his winnings to the Golden Peg...Thanks mate.


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