Thursday, 27 June 2019

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 26th June Avalon

This is my penultimate match as adjutant of Dad's Army, and thirteen of the lads were on parade. We were at Avalon today, and that great guy Ron was looking after us, doing the pegging and  assisting with the draw.   I have to say it's people like Ron who makes our venues popular, he has a sense of humour, and plenty of good advice.   From Dad's Army "thanks Ron"

I collected the loot and the draw was made, the Golden Peg eleven went to Aqua Man.   I had ten with Mustard to my right.   There was plenty of chat, Ant Bear must wear his tongue out, every day, Ritchie reckons he must bathe it in WD40 every night, as he never stops
Good to see Lockie with us today, it was a first for him; I think he would have fitted in well with us old gits.   The downside was he got in the money, and suffered lots of abuse and threats, but it was all in good fun?

Back to the match, and as always, it was corn over ground bait for me at this time of year at Avalon
Fishing five sections in front, and 4 to 5 inches over depth.    In the first hour I had a cracking Tinca Tinca around four and a half pounds in the net, plus some bits.   Kev and Mustard both both started well, catching carp early on, but sadly for them it did not last.

I could see the Nasty Old Sheriff catching some good bream, and I was in fear for my nugget, I thought "more tears".   I was having a good day catching proper bream;  I was hopeful but not over confident.   Would Danny's worms beat my corn?

The day ended in warm sunshine and Ron started the weigh with W.O.2 Bill  19lbs 8ozs of scaleys, next Tungsten 27lbs 7ozs of silvers.   Aqua Man had 28lbs 4ozs well done that man.   My silvers were a total of 34lbs 4ozs    Mustard had 20lbs 9ozs of mostly carp.   Danny looked a little worried, but he won the silvers and overall with 35lbs 2oz,   I thought "just one more fish for me"

Lockie was the best of the rest with 34lbs 2ozs.   It was a good clean match and the results are below.

Today was our second blind pairs match, it was won by Mustard and Lockie with just 1oz separating them from Bill and Dan;  it was a great match.

         Our last match next Wednesday is at Summerhays, so let's have a good turn out and one to                                                                    remember.

                                                                        Bob (Adjutant)

P.S.    Dad's Army were K.O. from the Super Cup...The match was tied on points, but was decided on total weight.   Well done the team, it was another good performance by Dad's Army.



Thursday, 20 June 2019

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 19th June Borrow Ponds

We visited Borrow Ponds today, it was the second time at this venue.    The lads and guests were ready to part with their dosh.    Beaker selected the pegs, and number 28 was the golden one, which was last in the hat and went to yours truly.

The draw was completed, money sorted, and so off to the swims for a shifty.   The Nasty Old Sheriff and I were on the top bank.  My swim looked great, but looks can be deceiving as I found out after six hours of unrewarded effort..   I would like to have been able to persevere and catch some of the tench and bream that reside in these ponds, it just needed more favourable conditions.

The final call for all out came, but I had't a clue how my mates had faired.   The signs were not good, when Danny said,"put me down for a D.N.W"

Mike and I collected the scales and started with him 6lbs 10ozs, and myself 3lbs 14ozs, which had been hard earned.    The best weight came from the fancied peg 12, where Brian our guest put 20lbs 1oz on the scales.   Ant Bear weighed 8lbs 2ozs for second, W.O.II Bill had 6lbs 9ozs , but there was nothing more of interest to report.   Full results below.

        Next Wednesday it's Avalon, and we will fish our second Blind Pairs then. It's all good craic.

                                                                      Bob (Adjutant)

P.S.   On Saturday we fish our second round of the Super Cup, so it's fingers crossed for a good                      result!


Thursday, 13 June 2019

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 12th June Sedges Brick

We fished Sedges Brick today,  and fourteen of Dad's Army were on parade.   Although the weather forecast was all doom and gloom, not a drop of Adams fell on us! which was a pleasant change Ha! H!, seeing it should be flaming June.

Jamie and Denise made us very welcome with hot drinks.   The fishery was in top condition: I do have some idea how many hours work per day and per week it takes to achieve this.  I know it's the same where ever we fish, and I would say a big thank you to all.

The lads parted with their pensions all claiming poverty, but I think I know differently.   The pegs were sorted, the Golden Peg being 15, which went to Dick.   I drew 10 with Tungsten to my right, peg 19 was empty.   At ten o'clock it was all in.

I had just made up just the one top kit plus two, and fished corn over ground bait straight to the front.  One might say cheap and lazy, or just another case for Age Concern?   We had two Simons fishing today, and it was not long before Garb was caching good fish.    Next to him was Flo (the dog) and  Spod, brother of  Tonto, he slept for two hours, then caught a heap of scaleys.

Tungsten next to me was having a good day with skimmers, and it looked as if  I would be joining the also-rans.     I had very a good days fishing with my mates, and at the weigh in 51lbs 8ozs, which was not nearly good enough

Ninja did it again with 123lbs of mainly carp.   Richie was second overall with 97lbs.   Simon Garbutt won the silvers with 29lbs 4ozs and Bend It second with 25lbs 4ozs.

 Considering the weather and the spawning, the weights were very good, which showed how well stocked Sedges lakes are.

       It's Borrow Ponds next Wednesday, this is a silvers venue, so let's get on it.

                                                Bob (Adjutant)


Thursday, 6 June 2019

HLS Angling Dad's Army Wednesday 5th June Trinity Woodlands

Trinity Woodlands was looking good today.    Bend It and I  had a quick shifty before I selected the pegs.   Thirteen of Dad's Army fished today, and they all turned up early and raring to go.

I completed the money bit, and we made the draw; peg 12 was the Golden one today,   Ant Bear got lucky again, which was two on the trot , and he reckoned he would empty it today!! we had heard it all before.  I drew peg 10 with Tivi and Bend It on either side, so plenty of chat with Mike, who started on the wag.    I decided to fish with just top four, plenty of ground bait, and sweetcorn on the hook.  Tivi went on the dark side, fishing just for scaleys using paste. 

Everyone was ready, so I shouted all in at a quarter to ten and battle commenced.   My second fish was a carp, which came to the surface, said good morning Bob, and jumped into my landing net.  This was quite strange as I generally struggle with lumps like him.

The first hour was slow as usual when fishing corn, but it got better as the day passed.   Bend It was struggling, he changed to the pole without much success.   There was plenty of chat coming from Tivi  and Ant Bear to my left, also a lot of splashing and elastic pulling.

Across the lake I could see plenty of fish being caught, with The Nasty Old Sheriff denying even having a bite.   Tonto was doing his usual imitation of a Buddhist monk, with arms folded meditating, but not catching.   I could see Baz netting silvers, and Ninja heaving in the vermin, I reckoned the results could be quite interesting and hopefully close.

Time for the all out, I shan't  dwell on the weigh in, only to say George failed on the Golden Peg again, I reckon his tongue is his main problem.   The full results are below, and it only remains to thank Trinity for and excellent venue, and we look forward to our return.

         Next Wednesday it's Sedges Brick, which is fishing its tits off.

                                                            Let's do it.

                                                                    Bob (Adjutant)



Sunday, 2 June 2019

HLS Angling - Trinity - 02.06.19

Todays visit was to Trinity Waters on Woodlands Lake. The report from some who fished the day prior said it was difficult as the fish were heavily spawning and from my walk around the lake they weren't holding back ad were really at it.

A great turn out today even with the forecast being overcast, a bit showery with windy gust with 22 signing in. It was nice to see Chairman Kev again even if he didn't bring his arm bands, although he did have his shorts on and the water was warm in case he wanted another dip throughout the day.

The guru tart arrived for moral support but he was not fishing as he hurt his back when apparently he dropped his wallet to the ground and on picking it up he underestimated how heavy it weight which is some what surprising as over previous weeks with the breakages and lost rigs he's had the heaviest wallet in Bridgwater should be Steve Kedge's

The Golden peg was drawn and this week it was nos 9 - a good carp peg. peg 6 was favoured as this has been producing fine results over the previous weeks.

The draw was as follows

2 - Tony Fry
6 - Locky
7 - Me
8 - Tungsten Dave
9 - Big Nick
10 - Sausage
11 - Dick
12 - Queenie
13 - Kev
14 - John Wolenscroft
17 - Colin
18 - Eric
23 - Graham
24 - John B
25 - Danny
26 - Lord C
27 - Roger
28 - Steve Warren
29 - Dave Allen
30 - Sharp shopper Shane
31 - Tax Man
32 - Mutant George

Today I had Locky to my right in 6 and Tungsten Dave to my left. Now when ever Im drawn next to Dave he generally does well so this was a good omen for him. I personally wanted peg 10 or 26 today and knew Id be up against it when I drew 7.

The all in was shouted and I balled in a pot of micros at 11m and thought id try paste from the off. After 3 hours on a couple of line I hadn't had a single bite and I could see around the lake that lots were struggling, Dave had a small skimmer and Locky had a carp in the margins. I then decided to look over my 5m line and finally had a bit and netted a mirror to about 7lb. There were signs of feeding fish but it never really took off as I lost 3 others and landed 1 4lb common in the margins. Locky had a few but he had lost at least 10 over the course of the day, Big Nick was netting quite a few but also lost some. Steve Warren hooked a chunky fish then the dread snap of carbon was heard, but to his credit he managed to land it. Dave Allen who was opposite me was starting to catch and he also had a few lumps going into the net

About 2.30 - 3.00pm the unusual sign of Danny packing up early just goes to show how difficult it had become but you could see George smiling at the thought of that golden nugget coming into his dirty  little mitts.

The all out was shouted and the results as follows


1st - John Wolenscroft - 90lb - 00oz
2nd - Dave Allen          - 53lb - 06oz
3rd - Steve Warren       - 45lb - 09oz


1st - Lord C -                 11lb - 13oz
2nd - Paul Bowyer         10lb - 15oz
3rd - George                   10lb - 11oz

So once again Dave Alllen in the frame but a fine day for John taking the honours. On the silvers front that 2 first in 2 weeks for Martin

Well done to all those who attended this week

Next week we are at Avalon Fisheries, can Lord C make it 3 in 3 or will Danny be re-motivated to knock him off his perch, will George find his early season form, will Dave Allen be in the frame again or will Queenie find some form, tune in next week for the results.

HLS Angling - Summerhayes 26.05.19

Todays match saw us fishing on the favoured Longs Lake at Summerhayes. With 16 signed in for todays meeting most anglers would have a clear peg between them and the next.

With the weather leading up to this week being fine and warm we were hoping that the fished had spawned to give some competitive fishing.

The golden peg was drawn for peg 8 and the draw was as follows

1 - Mutant George
4 - Tungsten Dave
8 - Locky
11 - Roger
12 - Dave Allen
15 - Danny
17 - Sharp shopper Shane
19 - Steve Warren
24 - Me
26 - Eric
28 - Tax Man Brian
30 - Graham
32 - Lord C
34 - Queenie
36 - Colin
38 - Mario Tony

Im going to keep this very short today as for me is was not good breaking my nos 6 section clean off and having to watch it float in the margins for the next 6 hours and using the tip was difficult; however I had happy Eric next to me singing away all afternoon to take my mind off of my problems.

Longs is generally a good producer for both silvers and carp; although it didn't quite produce some good weights were recorded and for me the success of the day was able to retrieve all of my pole sections.

Overall weights winners

1st - Dave Allen - 80lb - 06oz
2nd - Brian -         49lb - 01oz
3rd - Eric -            48lb - 03oz


1st - Lord C -             11lb - 14oz
2nd - George -            9lb - 08oz
3rd - Dave Tungstill -  6lb - 03oz

Another master class from Mr Allen a clear winner on the sloppy paste and to Martin on the Silvers who also recorded a total of 52lb - 4oz overall which would have got him second overall if he hadn't won the silvers.

Well done to all those who attended