Thursday, 28 December 2017

Wednesday 27th December 2017 - Trinity Woodlands

The weather forecast was for snow and strong winds, this obviously had an effect on, what for us, was a very poor turnout, we had just seven.   I pegged the match with comfort in mind, and we were rewarded with sunshine all day.

Tom gave us hot drinks, we made the draw, and sorted the money.   Martin got the golden peg number two, with Danny on four on his left.   I drew nine, which was in the middle of the lake;  I was quite happy.

We started at 9-45.   I shouted all in, and we got underway.   My intention was to catch as close in as possible, with pinkie and maggots over ground bait,  which contained half a pint of caster.   I caught small fish from the off, so my day was a busy one, I did not even have time for a pork pie.   I saw that Nasty Old Sheriff building up weight, but I was determined he would part with his nugget, so it was head down.

John came by saying Martin has three small carp, so that looked like the big five's gone, I hoped the Sausage on peg fifteen could stop him.

At 14-45 I shouted all out, and a pleasant day's fishing came to an end.   Martin, with the help of John and Danny, weighed us in,    Martin won overall, with myself winning silvers.    Full results below.

On Sunday 31st December we return to Emeralds, and our first match to start 2018 is on Wednesday 3rd January at Viaducts Campbell.

Our third A.G.M will take place  on Friday 5th January at the 37 Club at 7-30pm.

                                                 Chair Bob

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Sunday 17th December 2017 - Fur and Feather at Emerald Pools

HLS XMAS MATCH 17/12/2017

Firstly i would like to say sorry for the delay in last weeks blog but i have had a week from hell !!

Well last Sunday it was the HLS Christmas match at emerald pools  with Jade ,Emerald and Sapphire lakes all being used it should be a great match with each lake winner getting a hamper and everyone picking up a prize it was all to play for, Also Shane  was running a  super pool (1st overall and 1st silvers on each lake)

The 37 club would be looking after us today with breakfast and for after the match a buffet ..

We had 32 booked in which i think is a great number for this venue was great to see Dave Allen and also  a few of our midweek  members there and also the tart twins  aka Mr guru and Mr Preston !!

At the draw bob explained the format and Danny supplied a map of the complex so plenty of info on hand only for people to ask where is my peg ...which lake?? ...muppets !!

At the draw everyone wanted to be on the hottest peg on the complex which was peg 6 sapphire as this peg has won for the last 25 weeks in a row and last week 100lbs come of it who would get there mitts on it ..Yes you guessed it "THE GURU TART"  boy that tart can draw !! also with   
 " MR PRESTON"  on the same lake i was thinking this was a shoot for match fishing magazine as there was so much kit between them it looked like fishing shop !!!!

Into the bucket of dreams for me and i pulled out peg 5 " jade" ( happy days) and martin told me that it won  midweek so i had a chance, and as this lake is full of silvers this was going to be my main plan and if silvers didn't play ball   then i would fish to the reeds at 13 meters  for the carp ..

jade lake

peg 5

I set up a rig to fish 11 meters with ground bait and maggots  and one to fish pellet at 7 meters a tip rod to fish 25 meters (never used) and a rig to fish just over the reeds to my right .

looking around i could  see john on peg 1 Matt on peg 2 and sausage on peg 9 (sponsored by PAXO) Mike d on peg 11 also i had Simon on peg 4 so a nice days fishing ...i could hear the "guru tart" who was the other side of the complex !! i think we has telling "Mr Preston " about the next £20000 that he would be spending in 2018 ...

At the all in i put a ball of ground bait on the 11m line and a small amount of pellet on the 7m line and put some 6mm pellets and corn on the carp line ...i went straight out on the 11m line and i was expecting a bite straight away and it just sat there... after 15 minutes i got my first bite from a  small skimmer and then another and then it was one a bung then a hour in sausage ( sponsored by Paxo) hooked a carp 6-7 lbs so this made me feed my carp line again as i thinking that if he hook another one i will have to stop fishing for the silvers ...for the next 2-3 hours it was a great battle with me and matt culpin and Simon getting a silver a bung  but i was thinking i had a bit more than them both and then Mr culpin hooked a good carp so i was now behind so a look on  the carp line with corn and it just sat there ..

I spent 15 minute on this line without any joy so i put a worm on and went back on this line and i missed a bit straight away and then  hooked a good carp 8-9lbs over the next hour i  went on to hook 4 more carp before the all out ..

At the weigh in we started on peg 1 john had 7-15 and then matt on peg 2 put on 32-12 terry had a DNW and then Simon put on a cracking net of silvers (23-14) then it was  my turn i had 24-11 of white bait and 27-3 of carp for 51-14 and then Dave had 0-11 .john 2-12 Kev DNW sausage (sponsored by Paxo) had 17-8 and Brian 1-9 and then mike on peg 11 had a cracking 20-10 also of white bait  so plenty of bites

So i had won Jade lake and had a great days fishing for silvers ..

Back to the 37 club for a pint and grub and the results:

Sapphire 1st overall Bolton boy George  1st silvers mike b
Emerald 1st overall Danny 1st silvers tony fry
Jade 1st overall s king 1st silvers Simon

On a personal note I would like to thank Tony fry and his good wife for all the hard work that they have put into this match it is a thankless task ..also well done to Kev for winning the "hls match man of the year 2017" and also Phil the "guru tart" for messing up the best peg on his lake ...(13-02) but boy did he look good !!!

I hope you all have a great Christmas and look forward to having some great fishing battles in 2018 !!

And finally  Shane is having a new years party at his house and i have been helping him put up a big marquee in his back garden all day ..there will be a disco,a free bar and loads of free grub ..please contact him for more details...  

see you all there!!!!

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Wednesday 20th December 2017 - Sedges Tile

Fifteen of Dad's Army were mustered for our attack on Sedges Tile Lake, this included two new recruits Mustard and Garters, who were trying to make sense of what the rest of us were talking about!!    This was impossible, you would need an Enigma machine.    Anyway they settled in O.K.

Jamie and Denise helped us to get sorted and supplied us with hot drinks.   Danny helped with the draw, this made my job easier,  leaving me free to do the money.

After all the business was completed the draw was made, with Sausage getting the Golden Peg twenty two.    We were then off to our positions.   I drew twenty eight, which was between Chef Pete and the Sheriff, this was the peg I drew last Saturday, but I only had a four bites.

At the off it wasn't  long before Big Bird,  fishing the waggler, was catching silvers and having the best of what was a very hard day's fishing.   Danny got lucky with a bonus fish, this was a tench 3 lbs plus.   Peter on peg thirty got a carp in the last half hour , which got him second.

It was a hard initiation for our two new lads, but the weather was kind, much warmer than recent weeks,  let's hope it continues.   Our next match is on Wednesday the 27th December at Trinity Woodlands,  followed by a visit to Emeralds on the 31st.    Come on let,s end the year with some good results.

I would like to wish all our members , and all the people who have become friends connected to the fisheries we use.  Also a final thanks to Steve and Somerset Angling for the  prizes they donated to our Fur and Feather.

                                A very happy Christmas and great New Year.

                                                            Chair Bob

P.S.      Seasons Greetings to all our Blog readers, I know a vast majority of you are as crazy as us, never mind the weather let's catch some fish, and long may it last!!

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Wednesday 13th December 2017 - Viaduct Campbell

Here we were again on Viaducts Campbell, and the only cars in the car park were eight belonging to HLS lads, heroes or fools? Judge for yourselves.

Matt was looking after our needs, as his parents are holidaying in warmer climes, most sensible.    The weather forecast was wet with strong  south westerly winds, so I pegged with comfort in mind.   Our expectations were not great, a few fish would have been a bonus!!

I took the money and completed the business, we then did the draw.  I got the golden peg number 129, with Danny to my right 130.   My head said fish shallow after all the cold rain the previous night, but as usual I started on the bottom, thinking I would give it an hour.   In that hour I managed two small roach and a skimmer, which made me continue with it.   Danny was struggling but managed a skimmer and some small roach, plus a perch.

It was not going to take long to weigh in, and when I thankfully called all out, the Big Bird Rob had done George by 3ozs, with a top weight of 7lbs 5ozs.

It was just another of those wonderful days;  blown to bits, soaking wet, with just a few fish.  I just can't wait until Sunday.

It's our Fur and Feather on Sunday next, we meet at the 37 Club for breakfast and the draw, then onto Emeralds for our match.   It will be a good day, with everyone getting a prize, plus a bite to eat.   On my part I look forward to a couple of pints, and some good craic with the lads.

       Next Wednesday it's Sedges Tile.

              Don't be shy, are you mice or men? Stop squeaking!

                                     Chair Bob.

 P.S.  It's the AGM on Friday 5th January 7-30 at the 37 Club.   If you want your say, put it on paper and get it to me by next Sunday.

                                  Thank you.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Sunday 10th December 2017 - Trinity Woodlands

After another hard week at work i was looking forward at having a days sport at trinity waters i was woken at 4am with very heavy rain hitting the window and was hoping that it would blow over by the time i got up at 6 ...

When i woke up  i looked  out of the window  and it look hideous and i was thinking it going to be a wet  day ! i loaded the car and got soaked , and then made my way to Street to meet “lord C” the roads from Frome to Street were very flooded and i was thinking to myself why the hell am i doing this... cos we all love it !!!

I met lord C in mac ds and the wind and rain looked like it was improving so we were hoping that it should be ok by the time we started wrong were we, arriving at trinity and the weather looked terrible with strong winds and very heavy rain  so we all piled in the hut to have a chat only for George to tell us all that if he draws the jade lake next week at emeralds he is going to put 70lbs of silvers on the scales in your dreams mate

Graham turned up and said “i not sitting in this” and then went and we also had a few no shows only 13 nutters today !!! oh yes and no “tart” today as he had to go shopping with the wife!!! Mug!!!!

I collected the golden peg money and paid my pools ,Danny and Martin did the pegging and Mr fry sorted the money ...

With only 13 fishing today it was decided that the  pegging would be 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,1,2,3,4,6,7 to try and keep people out of the wind and foot high waves ,the golden pegs were 27 and 29 and were drawn by Danny and bob ...

Peg 32 was my home and i wanted a nice easy match today ,a top 2  and a 2+3, plus a cage feeder....i made up  some  ground bait this point  the wind was so bad it blowing anything that wasn’t bolted down ask Kev . Bait today was maggots (dead and live) and micros .

I started on the cage feeder and was surprised to get a bite almost straight away but missed it ... and then missed the next 3 bite in a row when i did hit the bite i reeled in a micro roach so i that was the end of the tip for me ..had a look on the pole (2+3) and had a bite on the maggot but again micro roach .. then on the top 2 line and again micro roach ...looking around nobody was catching so i stuck with it ...a hour in and tony on peg 2 lost his umbrella which did make me smile “sorry mate” at this point i had  1lbs of micro roach (should have had more but they dropped of every time i shipped back  much to the amusement of lord C ...i could see "sausage” on peg 6 catching with his new ground bait  and he was looking good for the win today ..2.5 hours  in and i had to go for a walk as i was so cold, i had a chat with Bob and Danny who both said they had 1-2 lbs and Eric,Brian ,Kev were yet to catch so back to the 2+3  line and it did get better as i started to pick up small skimmers but it was still hard going and bloody cold !! at the all out we all packed up quick time and  started the scales with Bob who had 2lbs odd then onto Danny who put on 5-13 the a few DNW i also had 5-13  and onto Bolton’s finest who put on 4-9 ..Sausage  on peg 6 and his new ground bait  had 8lbs odd to take the win well done mate

Sorry no photos today as it was just to wet

1st overall Paul ( sponsored by Paxo )                       8lbs ish                       1st silvers Danny 5-13

2nd overall Bolton George                                             4-9                             2nd silvers s king 5-13

Right onto next week is our  xmas match with 33 booked in will be fished over 3 lakes at emerald pools   ..breakfast is from 07.15  and the draw will be 8.30ish  both at the 37 club ..also there will be a optional pools on the day (£5) which Shane will be running (paying 1st overall and 1 silvers on each lake)

Then it is back to the 37 club for food and prizes (every person gets one)

I would like to thank Bob, Tony fry and his good  wife for all the effort they have put in the xmas match (hampers, prizes and lots of running around ) without these people this match would not happen so please remember this !!! so do not moan ...

Also the AGM is on the  5th January 7-30 at the 37 Club , Anyone with suggestions or items for the agenda MUST put them in writing to BOB no later than the 20th December  SO PLEASE MAKE A EFFORT TO DO THIS AND HAVE YOUR SAY AS IT’S YOUR CLUB!!!!
See you all at the 37 club for breakfast ...have a good one

Friday, 8 December 2017

Wednesday 6th December 2017 - Emerald Pools

Dad's Army were at Emerald Pools on a cold December day, but what a match!!!     I don't think anyone felt cold , they were too busy catching fish.   I arrived early to have a chat with Alan, and then the lads started to make themselves heard, namely Horny.    He is always buying something, and today it was a new woolen tit-for-tat, green, with a turtle prettily embroidered on the front, donated by one of his older lady customers?

George and Martin went off to peg the lake, which should only take twelve comfortably, but there were thirteen of us today,  so it was a bit of a squeze.

At the draw George got what he believed to be the best silvers peg, with Martin to his right, and they duly weighed in first and second.   Roger had the Golden Peg, but it was not his day.   Ninja, next to myself, fished for two hours on the ledger for nought, put his pole just out over the rushes with corn, and amassed 63lbs 4ozs of quality carp.

Everyone was catching, and my day was good with 29lbs 5ozs , but I was only an also ran.  I did managed a 13lbs 8oz carp on my twenty hook, and two pound bottom.

As can be seen by the results sheet below, no one went home early, and we will do it again in the New Year.

A big thank you to Alan and all the lads who helped with the pegging and weighing,  I'm afraid this old git ain't up to all of it: no rude comments please.

The AGM is not far away,  FRIDAY JANUARY 5th, 7-30 at the 37 Club.   Anyone with suggestions or items for the agenda, MUST put them in writing to myself not later than the 20th December.   There will NOT be A.O.B on the night, only matters on the agenda will be discussed.

     On Sunday it's Trinity, and Dad's Army will be attacking Campbell at the
                                     Viaducts on Wednesday.

                        So come on "Hands off cocks on with socks" Let's be having you.

                                                     Chair Bob

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Sunday 3rd December 2017 - Sedges Brick LAke

After a hard week at work i was looking forward to getting out fishing Sunday but we were going to be on the same lake as last week ,and after speaking to lord C in the week  he informed me that it also fished hard on Wednesday with 9 lbs winning....

Saturday afternoon i was going to do a bit of prep and to be honest i wasn’t sure what to do after last week ...i  looked at my kit and i just couldn’t be arsed so just left it in my garage and would make my mind up what to do when i drew my peg . so peg 10 or 11 please!!!

So the first thing when i woke up was to look outside to see if there was a frost and it looked ok so fingers crossed it would fish better today.

I made my way to street for breakfast and the temperature outside was 8 degrees so a lot warmer than last week ... me and lord C got to the sedges early and was greeted by Mr guru tart and i asked if he wanted a pound side bet and he agreed... and then he asked me if i wanted a Preston mega side tray for a tenner so happy days ...

I paid my pools and collected the golden peg money and had a walk round and like last week the wind was cold and blowing from left to right but again peg 10 and 11 looked good "They should scrap Hinkley  point c and replace it with loads of wind turbines as it is always bloody windy in Bridgewater"

The golden pegs today were pegs 9 and 12 and i did say to Danny that they might go today .. the guru tart got peg 9 and roger got 12

Into the basket of dreams and peg 7 was looking at me and i was a happy bunny as i would have the wind over my back and also this is a good area for silvers but would they feed today ??

When i got to my peg i looked over to see who had the hot pegs and i could see  Brian on 10 and tony fry on 11 so i made my mind up to target the silvers today but i did set up a pellet feeder and straight bomb (never used)....but i did think the winner was going to come from pegs 9,10,11,12

I had sir bob on my left on peg 8 (again) and tony on peg 6 and i could also see Danny on 5 !!!

So i was stuck between the pair of old gits who robbed me last week and i was thinking  a rose between 2 thorns!!!  i asked sir bob if he wanted a pound side bet today he said yes young man and then i  was thinking as i sat there that i might be giving him my nugget today as he always gets a few ..but i did feel sorry for sir bob as he was telling me that he only gets £5000 a month pension !!!!!!

I set up a 1gram rig and my plan was to fish 3 areas :

13m with ground bait and maggots

6m with worm and dead reds

13m at 10oclock with  micros and pellet

At the all in i went out on the ground bait line with a  single maggot and a 20 hook and had a bite with in a minute ..then  i hooked a small skimmer and then went out again and hooked a roach so things were looking good ... 15 minutes later i  had a 3lbs bream in the net , And as this was the only line that i could catch on  so i stuck with it ... Over the next few 3 hours i was getting the odd fish and i could see that it was fishing hard again but with bob and Danny also catching  is was going to be close .

I didn’t have a fish in the last hour but could see that roger had 4 or 5 carp in that time and was sure that he would win the golden peg .

Jamie and martin did the scale so thanks for that!  Danny put on 6-14  of silvers and then i put 10-4 to go into the lead and then sir bob put on 7-9  ...then it was the hot pegs and the guru tart on golden peg 9 put on 22-10 to go into the overall lead and informed us that he lost 2 carp ..shame !! and then Brian on peg 10 had 10-2 over on the cold side tony fry had 19-11 on peg 11 and then it was rogers turn on peg 12  and he had 33-4 to win overall and take the golden peg money.
( well done you old dog)

1st overall  roger  33-4                                    1st silvers Steve king  10-4

2nd overall  the guru tart  22-10                   2nd silvers sir bob  7-9                                    

3rd  overall tony fry  19-11                             3rd silvers Danny   6-14

So i paid my pound to the tart and that’s rare for me... and then found sir bob who handed me a new pound coin but  with a pension like his a pound is naff all !!!!

So a better day for some this week and i know i was lucky to draw a good peg with the wind over my back!!! i did feel for the guys who had  the wind in there chops all day ... well for about 10 seconds...

And the day got even better because i listed  a Preston mega side tray on eBay tonight for £39.99 and it sold within 45 minutes so i would like to thank the guru tart!!!

 Next week it is trinity waters so please book in with the “tart”