Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Angling Trust - Proposed Guidelines to recreational Fishing

Proposed guidelines for safe, permitted fishing
The Angling Trust supports a phased or ‘traffic light’ approach to the lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions.
We have produced guidelines for the phased resumption of recreational fishing.
Phase One (For Immediate Review)
Recreational angling on lakes, rivers and sea to be added to the list of permissible activities subject
to the following guidelines:
1. Angling to be undertaken on a solitary basis - social distancing in accordance with government
guidelines must be maintained at all times
2. Local fishing only – anglers must follow current government guidance on travel for the benefit
of recreational activity
3. All freshwater anglers must be in possession of the relevant EA Fishing licence
4. Sea angling from beach and shore to resume along with small scale private boat fishing.
5. No sharing of fishing tackle or any other items
6. No sharing of fishing positions (swims) except by members of the same household
7. No angler to fish within 15 metres of any other angler
8. No keepnets or competition fishing
9. Online and electronic day ticket payments to be made wherever possible
10. Onsite shared facilities such as cafes and clubhouses to remain closed
11. Fisheries unable to adhere to these guidelines should remain closed until further notice
12. Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19, or who shares a household with any individual
displaying symptoms, should not go fishing and should continue to follow government advice
on isolation
Phase Two
Private and guided boat and kayak fishing to resume on rivers, lakes and reservoirs*
Competition fishing should only be undertaken if compliant with all government guidelines
and in accordance with the Angling Trust’s existing best practice COVID-19 guidance -
Charter boat fishing to resume under strict guidelines. Boat skippers must ensure that social
distancing is always possible by limiting numbers on charter boats if not members of the
same household**
Shared facilities at fisheries to re-open
Travel restrictions to be reviewed to facilitate outdoor recreation in line with government
Phase Three
Angling to continue as normal whilst adhering to any social distancing guidelines that may be
in force
* Currently ‘non-essential’ boat movements are prohibited by the Environment Agency, Canal and River Trust and other navigation authori1es.
** The Professional Boatman’s Association is producing Social Distancing Guidelines for their sector.

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