Monday, 2 March 2020

Summerhayes - 01.03.2020

Todays gathering was at Summerhayes on Longs. Rain showers on Saturday and very early morning heavy rain didnt dampen the spirits of those who were booked in. A good number today with 20 keen anglers ready for the off. The forcast was not too bad with suny spells and the odd shower, but we were blessed wth sunshine during the draw, set up and mostly through the match.

After getting my cuppa from Pete and collecting my nets I went and had a chat with the lads. George was still moaning about his draw last week even though he framed and there was plenty of banter towards him.

The last time we fished this lake - Danny lost his teeth. Sporting a new set of nashers he was reminded not to speak, sneeze or do anything that required him to open his mouth.

Martin did the pegging and started the draw

Golden Peg was 33



1 - Queenie
2 - Dettal
7 - Guru Tart
9 - Eric
11 - Kev Hayes
12  -Tony Fry
13  -Shane
15 - Steve Warren
17 - Sausage
19 - Tax Man Brian
20 - Dave Allen
25 - Locky
27 - Tony Newell
29 - Tunsten Dave
31- Lord C
32- Nick Selway
33  -Rich Coles
35  -Danny
36 - Nige
37 Mutant George

For me today on peg 36 this can be a good carp prducing peg so i was quite happy with the draw. Tony Fry and Shane were my favourites for framing on the tip as these 2 pegs produce well at this time of year. I had Danny to my right and George to my left who had got some advice - much like last week,  from Bill the Paste.

I managed to set up early and go around and get a few mug shots as shown below.

A few early fish were caught by Danny and George but just small silvers and It wasnt until noon that I had my first bite and landed a small carp. This was follwoed fairly quicly by another but after this it just died. Danny was experiencing the same issues and barely had a bte after lunch. George was landing a few carp but I couldnt really see much else going on. Queenie was packing up by 3.00pm as was dettal who reportidly thrw back 5lb of silvers. Generally, fishing was proving very difficult today with the pegs on the far side framing the overall weights and the roadside was producing the winning pegs for silvers.

I felt for Sausage, Dave and Brian on 17, 19 and 20 as these pegs can produce bags of silvers on their day; however, these are closest to the motorway and in a very shletered cold area

Results Overall

1st - Tony Fry 50lb - 04 oz
2nd - Steve Warren - 30lb - 03 oz
3rd - Paul Lock - 29lb - 04 oz


1st - Martin Western - 8lb - 10 oz
2nd - Tony Newell - 4lb - 03 oz
3rd - Rich Coles - 3lb - 10 oz

Next week - The Sedges on Tile Lake. Please ensure you contact Steve Warren to book your place.

A polite reminder - all anglers need to abide by the fishery rules and those that do not will be dealt with by the Executive Committee

I have only received 50% of membership forms. Please can you return these to me or Steve Warren in my absence ASAP

Best of Mates - George and Danny

Is this Jurgan Klopp ??

The 3 Omigos

Its the only time I'll lift my rod today

2 Sausgaes please

Grandad and Grandson???

The dark side of Dave Tunstal

Big Nick though it was cold wearing 2 T Shirts

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