Hi Guys
After taking most of the year out last year due to my wife having quite a major stomach operation & my business going from strength to strength plus starting another business to run aside - it all takes it toll & something had to give for me it was my matches with HLS.
Well after chatting to my old mate Phill last year we both agreed I’d take the break & restart my matches with you guys in the winter unfortunately I’ve only done a couple so far but I do intend on being there most weeks if poss ?
Anyway I did turn in this week done the draw to give me peg 12 - pushed around unloaded to receive a phone call that I had to go to work as I had staff blow out sick.. see you next time probably Avalon where I’ll do a simple blog with the sheet for now tho here’s the sheet for Shiplate - Tight Lines 😁👍🏻🎣